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Community Update

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Hello Everyone!

Here’s an update on all the things that have been going on in our neighborhood…

I'm sure that at this point you all have noticed that we are now working with a new lawn care company, Eden Lawn Care. They are scheduled to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 until 2:30. I am confident that by the end of September we will see a noticeable difference in our landscaping. They are doing their best to get through the neighborhood as fast as they can; however, because the last landscaping company did not work as diligently as we would have liked, now Eden Care has to pick up the slack. They are meticulously working through all the courts. Once they have worked their way around the neighborhood and become familiar with the properties, you will see a noticeable difference. They’ve also been coming out early on Saturday mornings from 8:00 am to 10:00 just to pick up any trash; but the best part about working with Eden Care is we are under budget from what we were paying the last company, saving us over $12,192 in this year's budget.

Now, I would like to segue to our paving issues. In order to keep our neighborhood looking nice we will have to repave this year, and it has to be done properly. The company we are currently using has not been doing a good job. We are hearing complaints about potholes, visible repair seals are showing, the pavement is cracking along Benicia Circle and the red paint along the side of the curb is chipping. I am suggesting that we go with a different company and different types of pavement. We need quality paving so we will not have to budget for this every year. The budget for paving was decided upon last year, before I was elected to the board.

Starting September 16, 2021, our community will have a new website up and running. You will be able to go online and pay your HOA bill, put in a work order, and get up to date information on what's going on in our neighborhood, community and city. You will also be able to email board members from the website and have the entire schedule of our HOA meetings. The website will also have information on schedule dates the landscaping company will be in your court.

Finally…there will be three more board seats up for grabs in January 2022, if anyone is interested and there are a few homeowners who would like to re-introduced the possibility of cameras in the community.


Siena’s Board President

Mortissa Perkins

Our Next Board Meeting

September 23, 2021 @ 6:30

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